Our Career Development Centre provides comprehensive career services to assist people of any age at any point throughout their lives to make education, training and occupational choices and to manage their career.
We provide assistance in deciding on a career path based on skills, values and interests, provide individual career planning, assist clients in finding information about relevant local services, program and organisations, source information for clients about local industries and their needs and opportunities they have, provide training in interview techniques and tips and assist clients to develop resumes and job applications.
We can offer regular appointments with Clients to help with their job search needs and help with resumes, job applications, cover letters, career guidance etc.
The people who meet eligibility requirements are:
People who arent entitled to a Centrelink benefit
People who arent working Full Time
People at risk of redundancy / redundant workers
School leavers
Underemployed people
We are of course a FREE service to eligible participants and participation is voluntary.